Organization Systems

The system is a collection of related components which are working together to achieve goals and operation of the system is to convert inputs to outputs
Enterprise systems integrating organization's main processes. These systems can be solving the organizational shortages that have been caused by isolated information systems. Organizational systems which called enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) provide a single information system to coordinate key processes to solve the organization’s problems.
Enterprise systems collect data from the various organizations' processes and put them in a data warehouse that can be used by other processes. Managers of the organization will be able to have up-to-date and complete information to coordinate the daily operations of the organization and the organizational processes and flow of information.
NIOEC take steps to accelerate the company's corporate mission and vision of the company by establishing enterprise systems such as: science management, customer relationship management, strategic planning, and quality management system.

Quality Management System

Since 2005 NIOEC has established and implemented ISO 9001 and ISO/TS 29001 standards in order to continual updating and reviewing documents and conducting internal audits and third party certification courses in a row succeed to renew these certificates.
It is noted that in the last certification audit by the PCMS Company, NIOEC also received ISO9001 edition: 2008 Quality Management system certification requirements and Quality Management system requirements for the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas ISO/TS 29001 edition: 2010.

Knowledge Management

Knowledge is one of the most important intellectual capitals and knowledge management method is the way to take value of knowledge assets. One of the main results of knowledge management is to detect tacit knowledge and create organizational memory.

Knowledge Management Structure in NIOEC

Create a coherent knowledge management structure makes the implementation of knowledge management processes greatly from the taste out and this will ensure that the loss of knowledge largely avoided and in case of creation of new knowledge in the organization will allow the planning done for acquire knowledge, knowledge assessment, knowledge structure and knowledge sharing.
In order to decision making, implementing suitable strategies and progress in organizational goals in the field of implementation of knowledge management process in NIOEC, the strategic committee has been formed.
The construction of knowledge management will be formed, revised and amended by the quality and Productivity Engineering and under supervision of Planning and Control management of the NIOEC. Knowledge management affair is responsible for and in charge of managing the process of knowledge management in the company and its projects.
European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Excellent organization through understanding, prediction, fulfilling the needs, expectations and opportunities are constantly increasing value creation for their customers and achieve sustainable outstanding results.

Strategic Planning

Each complex has its own strategies, even if this strategies are Scattered, Chaotic, unstructured and informal. All organizations are going towards a point, but some organizations do not know where they are going and then all the way they go to the destination. We are determined to create our own future and move in the direction that we have previously thought.
One method of decision-making and planning by taking systematic steps based on Statistics which along with intuitive inferences help managers make effective decisions, is strategic planning process.
According to David’s definition Strategic Management is the following: Art and science of edition, Implementation and evaluation of multi-functional decisions, which enables the organization to reach its long term target. Another view of the strategic management process is an attempt to create a second version of what is going on in a smart and elite human brain.

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